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If you are unsure which form to use, and/or need any help completing your application, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you with any support you need.




Fred Carl Baker arrived in Saranac Lake in 1972 as the new instrumental music teacher in town and taught until 1997. Fred was a teacher who was fiercely dedicated to the children he taught. Music was the vehicle for bringing his passion for life to those who crossed his path. He could be trusted equally to say what was on his mind, to provide a laugh and to engender a feeling of safety. He made his students believe in themselves. This scholarship established in his honor is to encourage students to follow dream through music in to the future. These awards may be applied to fine or performing arts camps or institutes. Examples of scholarships that have been awarded include Crane Youth Music, dance workshop in Boston, and a music theater workshop in Pittsburgh. Apply for a scholarship if you want help to attend a special class, program, camp, institute or other educational course focused on creative or performance art. Most scholarships are partial, not full, scholarships.  


Timothy Begor was not someone you would have noticed when he entered Saranac Lake High School as a freshman. But when he was diagnosed with cancer, everything changed. Tim turned to art and discovered an avenue for self-expression that was unlike anything he had known before. He became fully engaged, spending every spare moment in the art room. He worked hard and long and, because art has this special power, he bloomed. Tim’s hand was the first up when volunteers were needed. Tim’s circle of friends grew. His growing popularity reflected his own confidence and awareness.Timothy Begor graduated from Saranac Lake High School in 1994 and died of cancer in 1996. A scholarship in his memory is awarded annually to a student pursuing full time college study in creative or performance art.


For applicants and recipients of the Timothy Begor Memorial Scholarship financial support is available after one full-time year of college through our Higher Education Assistance Fund. Specific eligibility criteria and application requirements are detailed on the application form.


The artistic event has a specific time and location. Admission may be charged. Examples of events sponsored in the past by SLYAA have included: First Night Saranac Lake, Writing Workshops, performances by the Chamber Orchestra of Northern New York, Art Shows, more detail may be found on the application form.  



The educational program has a presenter(s) who is compensated for their services and the event has a specific time(s) and location(s). Participation fees may be charged. You may be presenting the event or attending the event.


The Saranac Lake Arts Association has established The Annie Fund named for Annie E. Reding, a woman who adored the fine arts, literature, writing, and also, young children. Ms. Reding passed away in 2005. In her honor and for the benefit of the Saranac Lake school district youth, an allowance will be given yearly to promote, enhance and encourage children in seventh grade or younger in the beauty and art of literature and writing. 

Any form of project, event, or workshop, etc. will be considered for this funds use. We invite anyone exploring literature and writing arts with children in this age group to submit applications for support. We encourage you to share information about The Annie Fund with others you deem appropriate. 

If you have a request of money for a project, please complete our application.Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Born in Switzerland in 1956, Annie Reding and her family lived in Brussels, Chicago, Malone, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. She graduated magna cum laude from Middlebury College with degrees in American Literature and French. After six years in New York and a masters at Albany, Annie came to Upper Jay. In the Adirondacks her love of painting, writing, photography, decorating, cross-stitching and gardening blossomed. All libraries were frequently visited, not a bookstore neglected, art shops sufficiently scrutinized. Her favorite writer was Emerson, most adored bird, a great blue heron, painted and photographed, and though among many, Anne of Green Gables was a favorite book. Annie’s creative fascination was unbridled; evident in numerous works given to family and friends. Her sprit and her passion remain with us in the artistic and natural world she so loved.

Annie Fund Application

Begor Higher Education

       Assistance Fund

      Timothy Begor 

Memorial Scholarship

       Fred C. Baker

Memorial Scholarship

Application For Support Of An Event

Application For Support Of An

         Educational Program

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